Prior to Fall I wanted to ask clients and potential clients what their most pressing questions are about family photo sessions. I got a lot of different questions and a lot of the same question like… WHAT DO WE WEAR!

Fear not future models, I’ve got you covered below with not only answers to your questions but some advice as well!

Now before you read on please know that not every photographer is going to give the same sort of advice, I am simply passing on what I think works best for me and my clients and I’m taking a tough love approach!

Ok let’s do this!

What should we wear?

  • Stick to a colour scheme that is complimentary and not matchy matchy! The days of the whole family in matching sweaters or full denim are over… we children of the 80’s went through enough with that method!

  • Keep your location in mind. For instance are you going to be in an orchard or a vineyard? Don’t wear green! Are you going to be at the beach? Don’t wear khakis and blue shirts. We don’t want floating heads!

  • Stick to clothes that suit you rather than clothes that you THINK suit a photoshoot! If you aren’t someone who wears sparkles don’t go out and buy a bedazzled dress for the shoot! Pick cool tones or warm tones and run with it!

  • Now if you are a “pj’s all day” sort of person maybe branch out for a shoot! For a season like Fall think cozy. I personally think it’s the easiest season to dress for. Jeans, boots, sweaters, scarves, button up shirts, long flowy dresses, sport coats, etc! Stay away from thin stripes, they don’t play well with the camera.

  • Stay away from thin stripes, they don’t play well with the camera!

How many pictures will we get?

  • Depending on what type of shoot it is you’ll receive a different number of photos. If you have a mini shoot I generally stick to a guarantee of 15 images. For a full hour session, I will generally deliver between 40-60 edited images. I will NEVER give all the images to a client and you’d be hard pressed to find a professional photographer who would. Trust me when I say I’ve given you the best ones and the ones I didn’t include are duplicates, blinking, weird mouths, awkward body positions or vomiting kids. Only joking I’d totally give you the vomiting kid picture as a bonus!

Can we bring our dog/cat/horse/turtle/chicken/rabbit

  • PLEASE bring your pet! It’s a family shoot and they are part of your family! Just let me know what creature will be joining so I am prepared and I’m able to make sure we don’t have any pet run-ins!

Where do you take the pictures?

  • Other than for mini sessions, clients are in charge of choosing a photoshoot location and acquiring any permits that may be necessary. I will not apply for nor pay permit fees to shoot at a location. Places like the beach, vineyard, hiking trails, gardens etc. are ideal but not crucial!

Can we bring different outfits?

  • If you have booked a regular hour-long session a change of clothes is fine. For a mini session I would not recommend it unless it’s a matter of putting on or taking off a layer!

What happens if it rains?

  • Rain can be beautiful but as someone who knows the pain in the butt hair can be I totally understand when I get a message that says “It’s going to rain can we reschedule?” For full family sessions I am 100% a believer in having a rain date. For mini sessions I will usually postpone. Now rain isn’t the worst thing don’t get me wrong, but when you have a very limited time and some flexibility then rescheduling is never a bad idea!

What happens if the kids don’t cooperate/are fussy/crying etc.

  • Fussy kids are something I deal with on a regular basis! If my teenage self would have told me that I’d be working with kids a lot AND I’d have a remarkable amount of patience I’d have laughed in her face! But low and behold kids will be kids and kids do not care that you want a picture of the whole family looking and smiling at the camera! If you go into a shoot expecting your wild 3-year-old to be prim and proper chances are you’ll be disappointed!Here’s some tough love for all of you out there who want that “ideal” image. It may not happen the way you think it will! Why do we have pictures taken if we don’t want those pictures to represent who we are as a family, couple, friendship group? Don’t expect miracles from your kids. Expect images of your kids being YOUR kids. Just go with it! (Bribery doesn’t always work but no one will judge you if you attempt it!)

Where do you recommend printing the photos

  • When it comes to having your images printed PLEASE stay away from Walmart! I know it’s very economical but you’ve already invested your money and time into having beautiful images taken… Don’t stop investing in quality by going to Walmart! Starting this Fall I will be offering prints for those who would like images printed at a proper print shop!

Is there a max number of people?

  • I don’t have a group size limit. I would suggest if you are wanting mainly pictures of your family of 4 but some pictures with other relatives that you book a full session rather than a mini session! I can extend regular sessions but will not do so for mini sessions.

What type of setup should we expect?

  • For mini sessions it depends on the season and what kind of props I have come across! When it comes to full family sessions the focus tends to be more on the family than the season.

Can we have more candid vs posed?

  • Candids can actually be much easier to capture when kids are involved, especially when picture time coincides with play time! While I may pose some pictures, the outcome is usually pretty individualized. I encourage cuddles and playing, especially once I know there is at least 1 image with everyone looking at the camera ready to go! I enjoy seeing what different kids get up to in similar situations, it’s amazing how differently they approach the same things.

Can I share the images on social media?

  • Of course, please do! There is certain etiquette to follow when you post. 1) Do not apply any edits to images. 2) Credit your photographer! Honestly seeing shared images with filters or without credit is like a punch to the gut! I don’t watermark my images so a shoutout is always welcomed!

What payment methods do you accept?

  • Because I am running a business, e-transfers are preferred. Being able to easily track payments makes life a whole lot easier!

Do you offer gift certificates?

  • Absolutely! Just reach out and let me know what kind of shoot you’d like and once payment is received I’ll send over an e-certificate!

What is the best time of day to take pictures?

  • This depends on the season! But avoiding times where the sun is at it’s strongest is always a good idea!
    In the spring/summer – Before 10am or after 6pm (Unless there is a lot of cloud coverage than any time is good!)
    In the fall/winter – Before 11am or After 2 until before sunset.

These are just the questions I was asked this week! If you ever have questions about how it all works please don’t hesitate to ask!

Meredith Wolf

Award Winning Branding and Website Design Studio

